
How To Change Snooze Time On iPhone?

Hello! I’m Mannan, an expert on the iPhone, and I’ve been sharing iPhone tips for the past years.

Today, I want to address a common frustration that many iPhone users have: the inability to change the snooze time on their devices.

If you’re tired of being limited to the default nine-minute snooze on your iPhone alarm, you’re not alone.

Many users wish they had the flexibility to customize their snooze duration. In this blog post, I’ll guide you on “How to change snooze time on iPhone” and provide alternative solutions. Let’s dive in!

Want to wake up to the perfect volume? Learn how to change the alarm volume on your iPhone and start your day on the right note!

Is it possible to change the snooze time on an iPhone?

Apple’s iPhone alarm clock has a snooze function set to nine minutes. In addition, the default iPhone alarm cannot be changed to snooze.

On analog alarm clocks, the snooze interval was nine minutes. Compared with digital alarm clocks, analog alarm clocks had a maximum snooze time of nine minutes due to limitations imposed by the gear.

It’s true that iPhones don’t come with gears in their digital alarm clocks, but that hasn’t been the case for a while, as most households already used digital alarm clocks before the iPhone came out.

Apple has not yet added snooze options to the iPhone, much to the dismay of many users.

How to Change Snooze Time on iPhone with the Clocks App?

How to Change Snooze Time on iPhone with the Clocks App

By setting multiple alarms with longer intervals between them, you can eliminate the need to change the snooze settings. The snooze time will automatically be increased. There is no need to download an app to do this.

Let’s look at the same example again. When I want to get up at 7 a.m. but only have a few minutes to snooze, I set multiple alarms at shorter intervals so they go off before the 7 a.m. alarm.

You can manually turn off other alarms in the Clock app if you wake up earlier than your desired snooze time.

I’ve also created a collection of guides within the “Change” section, discussing subjects such as “How To Change iPhone Passcode” and “How To Change WIFI Password On iPhone“, among other topics. If you’re interested in reading them, feel free to take a look.

How do I change the snooze time using a third-party alarm clock app?

In addition, if you do not want to deal with this, you can also opt for third-party alarm apps, the majority of which let you set the snooze time to whenever you choose.

You can find some alarm clocks for your iPhone in the App Store.

1. Alarmy


If you want an alarm app where you can customize your snooze time, Alarmy is a great choice.

You can set timers as short as 1 minute and as long as 30 minutes. Therefore, this app allows you to snooze the alarm for three minutes, five minutes, fifteen minutes, and thirty minutes.

Following these steps will allow you to change the snooze time in the Alarmy app once you have installed it:

  • Open the app.
  • Set an alarm by clicking the plus ( + ) icon.
  • Select the snooze option.
  • You will see a list of “Snooze durations” and can choose which durations you want.
  • To save the alarm, click “Done” in the bottom-right corner of the window after setting the wake-up time.

2. Sleep Cycle

Sleep Cycle

The sleep cycle is free to download and use by anyone, and it uses patented sound technology in order to track your sleep patterns. Among the many sophisticated features of this alarm clock, you can also set the snooze time yourself.

  • Then open the app, tap Profile at the bottom, and follow the steps.
  • Go to Settings and tap More.
  • Snooze the alarm by tapping Snooze.
  • Then tap Regular, then select your preferred interval.

3. Alarm Clock for Me

The Alarm Clock for Me app allows you to adjust the snooze time on your iPhone.

This app allows you to set a Snooze time between 1 and 60 minutes. The snooze button gives you 60 options to choose from when you press it 60 times.

You can adjust the snooze time of the app if you have already downloaded it.

  • Open the alarm clock for me.
  • Below the screen, a plus icon should appear. Click on it.
  • The “Alarm” menu will appear.
  • Then tap the “Snooze” button after selecting the time for your alarm.
  • Activate the toggle switch.
  • Click on the plus or minus icons under “Snooze Duration” to change the snooze duration of your iPhone to any amount of time between one minute and sixty minutes.

4. Alarm Clock HD

If you want the option to snooze your iPhone alarms, Alarm Clock HD is a great choice. You can set every minute between 1 and 20, and then pre-set the interval between those two numbers up to 60.

  • Launch the Alarm Clock HD app.
  • Open the settings by tapping the icon in the upper-right corner.
  • Tap “Alarm Settings” in the “Advanced” section of the page.
  • To change the snooze cycle, click the “Snooze Interval” button.

Some frequently asked questions by users

The following are a few FAQs about changing snooze time on the iPhone:

1. Can I change my iPhone 12’s snooze time?

No matter whether you have an iPhone 12 or any other iPhone, you can’t change the snooze time on your iPhone from 9 minutes.

By setting multiple alarms, you can create your own custom snooze system if you want to mess around.

2. Why does Apple have a 9-minute snooze?

The snooze time on the iPhone alarm is nine minutes, which seems odd. Snoozing on mechanical clocks alarms worked in a similar way but with an interesting explanation.

Before the snooze time feature was added to clocks, mechanical clocks were well known. The feature was added to a classic mechanical clock design rather than a new one.

When retrofitting the feature, the gear teeth were designed in such a way as to prevent a perfect 10-minute snooze. A time option around 11 minutes was available, as was another just above nine minutes. They chose the latter option. They came up with nine minutes for snoozing.

Apple is paying tribute to classic clocks by using them in its native clock application.

Final thoughts

When it comes to iPhones, unfortunately, the snooze time cannot be modified; however, you can use more than one alarm or an alarm app provided by a third party if you want to change it.

It is likely that Apple will eventually develop the feature directly into the iPhone at some point in the future. It is likely that we will be forced to use our workarounds in the short term when we want to snooze our alarm.

The purpose of this article is to get you started with setting your alarm to ensure you get to sleep for as long as you need for the maximum snoozing duration. You may also find some of our related articles of interest. If you have any difficulties figuring out how to change snooze time on your iPhone, please let us know in the comment section below.

About the author

Mannan Wasif

Mannan Wasif

The Feature Writer at iPhone Advisor, Mannan, has written hundreds of how-to and troubleshooting pieces on a variety of topics. he is a former Associate Editor for iPhone Advisor and has previously written for the Iowa Source and educational marketing websites. Mannan holds a bachelor's degree in science and an associate's degree in education with a concentration on curriculum development.

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